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(The above footage is excerpted from Gary Caradori’s interview of Troy Boner, and it is very graphic.

So if you’re uncomfortable with graphic language, you should forgo watching the interview excerpts.)

Troy Boner gave his first videotaped interview to Gary Caradori and Karen Ormiston on November 25, 1989 at a Residence Inn in Lincoln, Nebraska. Caradori had gleaned Troy’s name from Alisha Owen approximately three weeks earlier—The Franklin Scandal elucidates the various machinations Caradori undertook to find Troy and coax him into giving an interview.

Law enforcement concluded that Troy had talked to Alisha earlier in the day at the behest of Gary Caradori—Alisha was incarcerated at York Reformatory at the time. Law enforcement also maintained that during their twenty-minute conversation, Alisha primed Troy with all of the information that was contained in Troy’s seven-hour interview. However, Alisha, Gary Caradori, and Karen Ormiston have stated that Troy hadn’t talked to Alisha that day. Moreover, Troy later submitted an affidavit stating that Gary Caradori wasn’t guilty of any improprieties regarding the interview. The phone records of York Reformatory and also Caradori’s phone records show that Alisha and Troy hadn’t talked to each other on that day either.

The Douglas County grand jury that declared the Franklin child abuse allegations were a “carefully crafted hoax” reported that Gary Caradori stopped the interview of Troy at “suspicious intervals,” so Gary Caradori could feed information to Troy. In The Franklin Scandal, I wrote that the Douglas County grand jury’s account of the interview was fabricated, because I’ve watched the interview in its entirety and Troy’s videotaping wasn’t stopped and restarted at suspicious intervals. It’s true that the above footage has various cuts, but the footage has multiple excerpts from the interview.

I was ambivalent about posting the interview excerpts, because of their graphic content. But Gary Caradori’s interviews play an integral role in The Franklin Scandal. So I ultimately decided to let the viewer decide for himself or herself if Gary Caradori fed information to Troy or if Troy could have possibly furnished Gary Caradori with such a vast amount of information that was garnered from a twenty-minute phone call.